Friday, February 5, 2016

Big Changes to Better the Industry!

In 2010, started my business to help small business owners be more successful. The mission of Measure Initiative, Inc (formerly Peterson Business Services) is to help people get back to doing what they love instead of stressing over the administrative and accounting operations of their businesses. We utilize technology and streamlined processes to provide that service.

Over the last few years, I have had amazing opportunities to work with Intuit developing and delivering training material to help people get on board and up to speed with technological advances in the accounting industry. It has been a TON of fun and an amazing learning experience for me. Connecting with accounting professionals from all of the country (and in some cases from other countries) has been enlightening and empowering, and has left me with the burning desire to do even more.

At Measure Initiative, we have the capacity to help a certain number of clients with special projects and ongoing services throughout the year. Working with Intuit I have been able to offload training and resources to other firms and professionals so that they could be empowered to provide the same services to their clients. One of the hardest things about peer training is that you are there one day and gone the next, and I want so badly to help everyone realize their potential and bring their goals to fruition. But how?

There is a role at Intuit called Business Development Manager. These folks have a range of duties depending on their assignment and territory, and last week I accepted an offer to join that team. Yep, you read correctly, Kaydee Peterson just accepted a J-O-B at Intuit. I start 2/16, and couldn't be more excited about it! The most fulfilling thing about this path is that I get to continue pursuing the same passion, helping small businesses, but through a different route. Instead of being limited to helping who we can here in the office, I will be able to empower larger firms to make big moves to the cloud and give them resources to empower their clients along the way! I am SUPER STOKED. Accepting this position brings a whole new level of scalability to my dream.

When this option was brought to my attention a few months ago, I had many things to consider about what this life change would mean for myself, my kids and my business. I decided that as far as career goals, this role would enable me to have an even broader stroke applying my passion for the success of small business by allowing me follow through and see our training come to fruition in large firms. I am absolutely thrilled that I get to apply what I love in this new role!

On a personal level, I am looking forward to having less stress associated with special projects that I take on in my firm. My business will not be closing, however we will be going back to our roots and only take in regular bookkeeping clients on cloud systems (until potentially one day the team gets SO GOOD that they can do special projects without me...). I am looking forward to achieving more life balance with my three beautiful children and less time burning both ends of my business to give them the life they deserve in a single parent home. 

The very best most awesomesauce thing about this, is that I still get to work with all of YOU, and you all are some of my very favorite people in the entire world. I am thankful everyday for the relationships that I have with my 'work friends' and I am endlessly excited for the scenery unfolding on this journey.

My family and I are very excited about this new endeavor and I can't wait to jump in and learn the ropes!

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